Financial Management

Navigating Finances with Precision: Current Strategies for Condominium Success

For condominium owners, ensuring the financial health of their corporation is paramount. Navigating the complexities of managing finances, given the diversity of ownership, varying maintenance needs, and stringent legal requirements, can often be overwhelming. This is where Eastway Management. Inc.'s depth of experience and expertise comes to the forefront. Our approach is designed to alleviate the financial management burdens that condominium Boards face, ensuring transparency, compliance, and peace of mind.

Streamlined Financial  Management Solutions

  • Developing comprehensive budgets and forecasts using historical and projected expenditures to guide financial planning.

  • Collecting common element assessments through a variety of methods, including written, verbal, and personal contact, with a variety of payment options available for use in the community.

  • Disbursing all Board-approved expenditures efficiently and responsibly.

  • Disbursing all Board-approved expenditures.

  • Obtaining monthly financial statements produced by a Chartered Accountant at no additional cost.

  • Producing a quarterly budgetary review including recommendations and presenting to the Board of Directors.

  • Documenting all accounts payable and receivable ensuring timely payment to avoid penalties. Eastway indemnifies the condominium against any possible losses in relation to the collection of common element fees.

  • Coordinating with Condominium’s auditor and preparing all working papers needed.

  • Providing prompt, accurate and reliable data so that Board of Directors can make informed decisions.

  • Developing comprehensive budgets and forecasts using historical and projected expenditures to guide financial planning.

  • Collecting common element assessments through a variety of methods, including written, verbal, and personal contact, with a variety of payment options available for use in the community.

  • Disbursing all Board-approved expenditures efficiently and responsibly.

Eastway Management Inc.: Dedicated to Ensuring Your Condominium’s Financial Strength and Stability

 Eastway Management Inc. employs cutting-edge practices in condominium financial management, with a steadfast focus on enhancing and safeguarding the long-term value of your property. Through our banking partner we provide a licensed investment advisor directly to your Condominium, ensuring investment recommendations are precisely tailored to meet the needs identified in your Reserve Fund Study.

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